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Historia e información del primer microprocesador, Intel c4004
C4004 Menu


Web creada y mantenida por Fernando Benito
fer @ fer . nu




General Information

The 4004 is the world's first microprocessor.  The 4004 was created at Intel with Ted Hoff and Federico Faggin as the lead designers. The 4004 provided a new tool to the world. Up to that time and semiconductors and IC's were built for a specific purpose. The 4004 was the first semiconductor device that provided, at the chip level, the functions of a computer. 

The 4004 contains the two basic architectural building blocks that are still found in today's microcomputers: the arithmetic and logic unit and the control unit. The Intel 4004 ran at a clock speed of 108 kHz and contained 2300 transistors. By the time it was in production the clock speed was increased to 500kHz and later to 740kHz. It processed data in 4 bits, but its instructions were 8 bits long. The 4004 addressed up to 1 Kb of program memory and up to 4 Kb of data memory (as separate entities). It had sixteen 4-bit (or eight 8-bit) general purpose registers, and an instruction set containing 45 instructions.

The 4004 family is also referred to as the MCS-4. 


3 Qtr, 1971

Designers Ted Hoff, Federico Faggin, Stan Mazor, Masatoshi Shima




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